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Search results for rho,152 in Adler number:
Adler number: rho,152
Translated headword: orator, rhetor, rhetorician
Vetting Status: high
Translation: In ancient times this was the term for one who gave his advice to the people and who spoke in public, regardless of whether he was competent or incompetent at speaking, and whether he gave his advice out of consideration for what was best and most just or in accordance with his own personal interests.[1]
Demosthenes calls this person an orator when he says: 'orator as leader... and a general under him' [2]. And elsewhere [he writes]: 'Personally, if the one who recommends to you what he thinks will be beneficial to you is an orator, I would neither refuse nor avoid this name; but if the term orator applies to the sort of people whom both I and you observe to be ignorant and to have become wealthy at your expense, I would not be that kind of man, not I'.[3] And against many decrees an oratorical (prosecution) has been brought,[4] advisedly, if someone introduces a proposal but does not himself occupy a private position in life.
Greek Original:*(rh/twr: topalaio\n e)kalei=to o( dh/mw| sumbouleu/wn kai\ o( e)n dh/mw| a)goreu/wn, ei)/te i(kano\s ei)/h le/gein ei)/te kai\ a)du/natos, ei)/te kai\ a)po\ tou= belti/stou kai\ dikaiota/tou sumbouleu/wn ei)/t' e)p' oi)kei/ois lh/mmasi. kai\ o( *dhmosqe/nhs tou=ton kalei= r(h/tora, e)peida\n le/gh|: r(h/twr, h(gemw\n kai\ strathgo\s u(po\ tou/tw|. kai\ e(te/rwqi: e)gw\ d', ei) me\n o( sumbouleu/wn u(mi=n o(/ ti a)\n sumfe/rein h(gh=tai, r(h/twr e)sti/n, ou)/t' a)rnou=mai ou)/te fu/goimi a)\n tou)/noma tou=to: ei) de/, oi(/ous e)gw\ kai\ u(mei=s de\ o(ra=te, a)paideu/tous kai\ a)f' u(mw=n peplouthko/tas, ou)k a)\n ei)/hn ou(=tos e)gw/. kai\ polloi=s yhfi/smasi parage/graptai r(htorikh\ e)k boulh=s, ei) ei)sfe/rei tis gnw/mhn, a)lla\ mh\ au)to\s i)di/an tu/xhn h(gou/menos.
Photius rho112 Theodoridis.
[1] cf. generally
Gorgias 455Aff.
Demosthenes 2.29 = 13.20. (The Suda quotes this in abbreviated form. Demosth. has "leader of each syndicate", meaning faction, so Adler was wrong to place a comma between "orator" and "leader".) For the Greek text and English translation from Perseus, see web address 1 below.
Demosthenes 21.189. Again the quotation is imprecise; for the Greek text and English translation from Perseus, see web address 2 below.
[4] See
rho 151.
The Rhetoric of Aristotle, ed. E.M. Cope-J.E. Sandys, Cambridge 1897
W.K.C. Guthrie, The History of Greek Philosophy, Vols. III and IV, Cambridge 1969
Plato, Gorgias, A Revised Text with Introduction and Commentary by E.R. Dodds, Oxford 1959
Understanding the Phaedrus. Proceedings in the II Symposium Platonicum, edited by Livio Rossetti, Sankt Augustin 1992
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: definition; history; law; philosophy; politics; rhetoric
Translated by: Marisa Divenosa on 13 September 2000@23:01:33.
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