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Search results for rho,15 in Adler number:
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Headword: *(ra|die/steron
Adler number: rho,15
Translated headword: easier
Vetting Status: high
Polybius [writes]: "but the arrival of Hasdrubal in Italy was far easier and quicker a thing."
Greek Original:
*(ra|die/steron: *polu/bios: a)lla\ polu\ r(a|dieste/ran kai\ suntomwte/ran sune/bh gene/sqai th\n *)asdrou/bou parousi/an e)s *)itali/an.
The headword as transmitted is r(a|die/steron (whereas the quotation has feminine r(a|dieste/ran); seemingly, then, the headword has been extracted from somewhere else.
The Attic comparative of r(a/|dios is r(a/|wn. See e.g. rho 40.
[1] Polybius 11.1.1, on events of 207 BCE; cf. Livy 27.39.6. (Than what this was "easier and quicker" is left unstated: the Loeb translator, W.R.Paton, understands "than that of Hannibal had been"; Walbank in his commentary ad loc. prefers the vaguer "than expected".)
Keywords: biography; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; history
Translated by: David Whitehead on 30 October 2001@07:52:36.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth on 30 October 2001@17:15:56.
David Whitehead on 16 June 2004@03:35:12.
David Whitehead (another note; more keywords; cosmetics) on 23 August 2011@10:22:39.
Catharine Roth (expanded note) on 1 January 2022@00:52:22.
Catharine Roth (cross-reference) on 1 January 2022@00:55:58.


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