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Adler number: rho,131
Translated headword: verb
Vetting Status: high
Translation: “Verb” is the name for the verbal utterance without qualification, such as “[I] beat”, “[I] write”, that which alone is said without qualification. But what is signified by a verbal utterance without qualification is called “predicate”.
Greek Original:*(rh=ma: r(h=ma le/getai h( a(plw=s r(hmatikh\ fwnh/, oi(=on tu/ptw, gra/fw, a(plw=s mo/non lego/menon: to\ de\ e)k th=s a(plw=s r(hmatikh=s fwnh=s shmaino/menon kathgori/a kalei=tai.
The whole entry sounds Stoic in character. As
Diogenes Laertius 7.63 reports in the context of a Stoic doxography,
gra/fw (“[I] write”) is classified as a verb, but it must be understood as an “incomplete expression”. See also
sigma 1357, where the Suda speaks of a “quasi-event” (
parasu/mbama) or “incomplete predicate” as a “thought that is not self-complete”. A “quasi-event”, though, is rather an impersonal verb with a dative depending on it, such as
*)iwa/nnei me/lei, i.e. “to John there is a care for” (on this issue see,
Commentary on Aristotle's De interpretatione 44.18-45.7, ed. Busse, included in SVF 2.184). The other important point is that in the assertion “John writes” the expression “writes” is not strictly the verb, but the signification of the “verbal sound”, which in this case is a “predicate” (
kathgo/rhma). A verb is rather what signifies a “non-composed predicate”, i.e. a predicate in which the subject “I” is elliptical: “(I) write”, “(I) speak” (this is the Stoic canonical definition of “verb”, quoted by
Diogenes Laertius 7.58 and, I think, closely connected with this Suda entry).
For further discussion see J. Barnes, “Language”, in Algra, Barnes, Mansfeld, and Schofield (1999), especially, 202-206. See also Long & Sedley (1987) vol. 1, 1999-202 and Frede (1994).
J. Algra, J. Barnes, J. Mansfeld, and M. Schofield, (eds.) The Cambridge History of Hellenistic Philosophy (Cambridge 1999).
M. Frede, “The Stoic Notion of a lekton”, in S. Everson (ed.), Language. Companions to Ancient Thought 3 (Cambridge 1994) 109-124.
A.A. Long & D.N. Sedley, The Hellenistic Philosophers (2 vols. Cambridge 1987).
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; philosophy
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 3 September 2002@19:17:04.
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