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Search results for rho,13 in Adler number:
Adler number: rho,13
Translated headword: Rhadamanthys' oath
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The one [sworn] by a goose or a dog or a plane-tree or a ram or something else of the kind.[1] "Amongst these the greatest oath by all accounts was a dog, then a goose, but they used to say nothing of the gods."
Cratinus in
Cheirons [says this].[2] The oaths of Socrates, too, [were] of this kind.[3]
This sign [is] concerning an oath, which is customary even now: for many swear by vegetables when displaying the force of an oath.[4]
Greek Original:*(radama/nquos o(/rkos: o( kata\ xhno\s h)\ kuno\s h)\ plata/nou h)\ kriou= h)/ tinos a)/llou toiou/tou. oi(=s h)=n me/gistos o(/rkos a(/panti lo/gw| ku/wn, e)/peita xh/n, qeou\s d' e)si/gwn. *krati=nos *xei/rwsi. toiou=toi de\ kai\ oi( *swkra/tous o(/rkoi. shmei=on tou=to peri\ o(/rkou, o(\ kai\ nu=n e)pixwria/zei: polloi\ ga\r pro\s la/xana o)mnu/ousin, eu)orki/an e)pideiknu/menoi.
Keywords: biography; botany; comedy; daily life; definition; law; mythology; proverbs; religion; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 24 April 2003@03:23:10.
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