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Search results for psi,83 in Adler number:
Adler number: psi,83
Translated headword: pebble, vote
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning a] judgment, denial, verbal order, speech.[1]
Also [sc. attested is the related adjective] a)yh/fiston ["unvoted"]. "He who controls that which is unvoted in an enquiry fulfills the whole indictment."[2]
And elsewhere: "there will not be the power, even if you vote seven times." For the old men always kept voting on what should be done and what [should] not [be done].[3]
Greek Original:*yh=fos: kri/sis, a)po/fasis, dialalia/, lo/gos. kai\ *)ayh/fiston. o( kate/xwn to\ a)yh/fiston e)n gnw/sei e)pitelei= pa=san th\n grafh/n. kai\ au)=qis: ou) ga\r e)/stai du/namis, ou)d' h)\n e(pta/kis su\ yhfi/sh|. oi( ga\r ge/rontes a)ei\ e)yhfi/zonto, ti/ prakte/on kai\ ti/ mh/.
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Keywords: comedy; constitution; definition; law; politics
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 30 December 2005@23:21:14.
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