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Adler number: psi,39
Translated headword: drip, drop
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] dew. Thus Antimachos used to be called
Psekas ["Sputterer"]. [It is a term] applied to spitters. This man was a melic poet. He was given the name because he used to sprinkle [with spit] whomever he was talking to. There was also an Olympic [athlete] so called. This Antimachos appears to have created a decree prohibiting the ridicule of named persons in comedy; and on this account many of the poets did not come forward to take a chorus and many of the choristers starved.[1] Concerning this Antimachos
Aristophanes says: "whom may I yet see longing for a cuttlefish; and may it, when boiled and salted and served on the table, run aground; and then, when he is about to take it, may a dog grab it and eat it. This [should be] one misfortune for him".[2]
Greek Original:*yeka/s: dro/sos. *)anti/maxos ou(/tws e)kalei=to *yeka/s. e)pi\ tw=n ptuelwdw=n. ou(=tos de\ melw=n h)=n poihth/s. ou(/tw de\ e)klh/qh, dio/ti prose/rraine tou\s o(milou=ntas dialego/menos. h)=n de/ tis kai\ *)olumpiko\s ou(/tw kalou/menos. e)do/kei de\ o( *)anti/maxos ou(=tos yh/fisma pepoihke/nai, o(/ti mh\ dei= kwmw|dei=n e)c o)no/matos: kai\ e)pi\ tou/tw| polloi\ tw=n poihtw=n ou) prosh=lqon lhyo/menoi to\n xoro\n kai\ polloi\ tw=n xoreuo/ntwn e)pei/nwn. peri\ tou/tou tou= *)antima/xou fhsi\n *)aristofa/nhs: o(\n e)/t' e)pi/doimi teuqi/dos deo/menon: h( d' w)pthme/nh si/zousa pa/ralos e)pi\ trape/zhs keime/nh o)ke/lloi: ka)=|ta me/llontos labei=n au)tou=, ku/wn a(rpa/sas fa/goi. tou=to me\n au)tw=| kako\n e(/n.
For the bulk of this entry, after the opening headword and gloss, see already under
alpha 2683; and cf. also
sigma 387,
tau 424.
[1] "The only evidence for [this or other] legal restrictions comes from the
scholia, and is open to the suspicion that it may be based on nothing but false inferences from jokes in comedies" (D.M. MacDowell,
Aristophanes and Athens (Oxford 1995) 22-26, at 25).
Acharnians 1156-61 (web address 1), with scholion to 1150.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: athletics; biography; comedy; constitution; definition; ethics; food; history; law; medicine; poetry; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 1 January 2006@07:11:07.
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