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Search results for psi,32 in Adler number:
Adler number: psi,32
Translated headword: crumbly, friable
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning something] weak, light, bad, easily-broken.[1]
Appian [writes]: "after Hannibal the general of the Carthaginians crossed the Pyrenean mountains he entered the Celtic territory (now called Gaul) and marched across the land. When he reached the Alpine mountains and found them precipitous, he began to ascend strongly and with daring, suffering hardships, cutting wood and burning it, quenching the ashes with water and vinegar. When the ashes became friable he broke them with iron hammers and used them as a road."[2]
Greek Original:*yafaro/n: a)sqene/s, e)lafro/n, kako/n, eu)/qrauston. *)appiano/s: o(/ti *)anni/bas o( strathgo\s *karxhdoni/wn diaba\s ta\ *purhnai=a o)/rh kai\ die/bh ei)s th\n *keltikh/n, th\n nu=n *galati/an, kai\ diw/deue th\n xw/ran. e)lqw\n de\ e)pi\ ta\ *)/alpeia o)/rh kai\ eu(rw\n a)po/krhmna i)sxurw=s e)pe/baine ka)kei/nois u(po\ to/lmhs, kakopaqw=n, th\n me\n u(/lhn te/mnwn kai\ katakai/wn, th\n de\ te/fran sbennu\s u(/dati kai\ o)/cei kai\ th\n te/fran tou=de yafara\n ginome/nhn sfu/rais sidhrai=s qrau/wn kai\ o(dopoiw=n.
[1] Likewise or similarly in other lexica. The headword, neuter singular of this adjective (cf.
psi 31), must be quoted from somewhere; there are numerous possibilities (which do not include the quotation given here).
[2] Appian,
Hannibal 4. On Hannibal see generally
alpha 2452; for the Alps, see
alpha 1407; for the Pyrenees, see
pi 3213.
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; science and technology; tragedy
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 22 December 2005@19:11:18.
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