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Search results for psi,18 in Adler number:
Adler number: psi,18
Translated headword: sea-sand
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] sand from the seaside; for a)/maqos [is sand] from inland.[1]
[Note] that a)/maqos is the dust of the plain, but ya/maqos [is the dust] of the sea.[2]
Greek Original:*ya/maqos: paraqala/ssios a)/mmos: a)/maqos ga\r h( meso/geios. o(/ti a)/maqos h( th=s pedia/dos ko/nis, ya/maqos de\ h( th=s qala/sshs.
[1] Likewise or simialrly in other lexica. From commentary on
Iliad 9.385 and 23.15.
[2] From
alpha 1472.
Keywords: definition; epic; geography
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 13 September 2005@22:58:29.
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