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Search results for psi,175 in Adler number:
Adler number: psi,175
Translated headword: nonsense
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] deceitful speech, ill-timed speech.[1]
Also [sc. attested is the phrase] 'nonsense-talking fellow', [meaning] he who says nothing good.[2]
Greek Original:*yuxrologi/a: yeudologi/a, a)kairologi/a. kai\ *yuxrolo/gos a)/nqrwpos, o( mhde\n a)gaqo\n le/gwn.
Same or similar material, variously, in other lexica.
cf. generally
psi 176,
psi 177.
[1] For this headword cf. under
lambda 232. It is perhaps extracted here from Lucian.
[2] Similarly already in
Hesychius (but without 'fellow').
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; imagery; rhetoric
Translated by: Nicholas Wilshere on 5 November 2004@09:39:57.
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