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Headword: *yuxiko\s a)/nqrwpos
Adler number: psi,167
Translated headword: natural man
Vetting Status: high
[Man is composed] of soul and body. Now whenever [one] performs one of the actions that are approved by God, he is called “spiritual”, and he is not named from his soul, but from another honor which is superior: the activity coming from spirit. For soul does not suffice for a correct action, if it does not take advantage of spirit’s aid. But just as he who serves the flesh is called “fleshy (or carnal) man”, so too the Apostle calls “natural” the man who attributes matters to human reasoning and does not acknowledge the activity of spirit.[1]
And again: whenever we correctly perform a virtue, we are called “spiritual”. But whenever we are overturned and perform an action which is contrary [to virtue], [he] names us “dust” on account of our base nature. And the Prophet says, "He will afflict earth with a word of his mouth”;[2] he is not talking about earth, but about sins. And again: “the whole earth became only one lip”;[3] he is [again] speaking of sins. And Abraham, in disparaging himself, [says]: “I am dust and ashes”. [4] And again: “His entrails are despised in his life”; [in this case] he is making reference to the womb.[5]
Souls of those who die violently[6] do not become demons, according to the opinion of the many, but those of sinners; their substance does not change but [their] choice imitates the vice of those [demons]. That is also what Jesus Christ used to say to the Jews: “you are of your father the devil”.[7]
Greek Original:
*yuxiko\s a)/nqrwpos: e)k yuxh=s kai\ sw/matos. o(/tan me\n ou)=n pra/tth| ti tw=n tw=| qew=| dokou/ntwn, pneumatiko\s le/getai kai\ ou)k a)po\ th=s yuxh=s o)noma/zetai, a)ll' a)f' e(te/ras mei/zonos timh=s, th=s a)po\ tou= pneu/matos e)nergei/as. ou) ga\r a)rkei= h( yuxh\ ei)s kato/rqwma, ei) mh\ a)polau/soi th=s tou= pneu/matos bohqei/as. w(/sper de\ sarkiko\s a)/nqrwpos le/getai o( th=| sarki\ douleu/wn, ou(/tw yuxiko\n kalei= o( *)apo/stolos to\n toi=s a)nqrwpi/nois logismoi=s ta\ pra/gmata e)pitre/ponta kai\ mh\ dexo/menon tou= pneu/matos th\n e)ne/rgeian. kai\ pa/lin: o(/tan me\n katorqw/swmen a)reth/n, pneumatikoi\ lego/meqa: o(/tan de\ u(poskelisqw=men kai\ pra/cwme/n ti e)nanti/on, a)po\ th=s eu)telou=s fu/sews gh=n h(ma=s o)noma/zei. kai\ o( *profh/ths, pata/cei, fhsi/, th\n gh=n tw=| lo/gw| tou= sto/matos au)tou=. ou) peri\ gh=s le/gwn, a)lla\ peri\ tw=n a(martiw=n. kai\ pa/lin: e)ge/neto pa=sa h( gh= xei=los e(/n: peri\ tw=n a(martiw=n le/gwn. kai\ o( *)abraa\m e(auto\n e)ceuteli/zwn: e)gw\ de\ ei)mi\ gh= kai\ spodo/s. kai\ pa/lin: e)n th=| zwh=| au)tou= e)coude/nwtai ta\ e)nto/sqia au)tou=. th\n gaste/ra le/gwn. yuxai\ tw=n bioqanatou/ntwn ou) kata\ th\n tw=n pollw=n do/can gi/nontai dai/mones, a)lla\ tw=n a(martano/ntwn: ou) th=s ou)si/as au)tw=n metaballome/nhs, a)lla\ th=s proaire/sews th\n e)kei/nwn mimoume/nhs kaki/an. tou=to kai\ o( *xristo\s e)/lege toi=s *)ioudai/ois: u(mei=s tou= patro\s u(mw=n tou= diabo/lou e)ste/.
[1] The opposition is between the "spiritual" (pneumatiko/s) and the "carnal" (or "natural"; yuxiko/s) person (see pi 1823). The former is he who acts according to God's law, the latter he who follows his own lust and natural desires, and, accordingly, is under the rule of sin. See Paul, Romans 7:14: "the law is spiritual (pneumatiko/s), but I am carnal (sarkiko/s), sold under sin (a(marti/a)." See also 1 Corinthians 2:14, 15:44; cf. sigma 137, psi 166.
[2] See the pseudepigraphal Psalms of Solomon, 17.35. In Greek the word for dust and earth is the same: gh=; cf. pi 779.
[3] cf. Genesis 11:1: "the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech;" see also 11:6.
[4] Genesis 18:27.
[5] cf. Judges 9:38.
[6] This paragraph derives from [John Chrysostom], In Lazarum 2 (PG 48.983A).
[7] Gospel of John 8:44.
Keywords: Christianity; definition; ethics; religion
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 3 September 2002@15:54:16.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (modified translation) on 3 September 2002@19:56:56.
Patrick T. Rourke (Added link) on 5 September 2002@07:12:52.
David Whitehead (augmented notes; cosmetics) on 2 February 2003@08:10:20.
Marcelo Boeri (Added reference.) on 13 September 2004@16:42:41.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 4 October 2005@09:12:44.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 2 January 2006@11:33:43.
Catharine Roth (added cross-references, deleted link) on 25 July 2011@18:44:32.
Catharine Roth (added cross-reference) on 30 July 2011@22:27:09.
David Whitehead on 7 November 2013@03:59:20.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 27 August 2023@13:47:26.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 27 August 2023@19:11:02.
Catharine Roth on 27 August 2023@19:21:38.


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