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Search results for psi,16 in Adler number:
Adler number: psi,16
Translated headword: harper, harpist
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [*ya/lths] and yalth/s:[1] [Nouns] ending in -ths, having the penultimate [syllable] ending with an uninflected [form], not admitting -s in the genitive, have grave accent [on the last syllable], unless they are participles. Such [are] u(fa/nths ["weaver"], a)gu/rths ["collector"], *eu)fra/ths ["Euphrates"]. But e(konth/s ["volunteer"] and e)qelonth/s ["volunteer"] [are] participles.[2] Among Attic speakers [the following nouns] have acute accent on the last syllable: kaqarth/s ["cleanser"], a)munth/s ["defender"] (referring to a helper), faidrunth/s ["washer"], poikilth/s ["embroiderer"], yalth/s ["harper"], prau+nth/s ["appeaser"].
Greek Original:*ya/lths kai\ yalth/s: ta\ ei)s ths lh/gonta, e)/xonta th\n paralh/gousan ei)s a)meta/bolon lh/gousan, a)pro/slhpta o)/nta tou= s kata\ th\n genikh/n, baru/netai, ei) mh\ ei)/h metoxika/: oi(=on u(fa/nths, a)gu/rths, *eu)fra/ths: to\ de\ e(konth\s kai\ e)qelonth\s metoxika/. para\ de\ *)attikoi=s o)cu/nontai kaqarth/s, a)munth/s, e)pi\ tou= bohqou=, faidrunth/s, poikilth/s, yalth/s, prau+nth/s.
cf. generally
psi 13,
psi 15,
psi 17.
[1] The issue is how this noun should be accented. Cf.
Philoponus on words that have different accent according to their meaning;
Etymologicum Magnum 435.49 and 435.57.
[2] We would not call these nouns participles, but they are related to
e(kw/n and
e)qe/lwn, of which the former looks like a participle and the latter definitely is one.
Keywords: dialects, grammar, and etymology; meter and music
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 13 September 2005@22:46:28.
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