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Headword: ai)tiatikh=|
Adler number: psi,157
Translated headword: leads souls, summons souls
Vetting Status: high
[Used] with an accusative. [Meaning he/she/it] encourages, delights;[1] or brings up souls. Aristophanes in Birds [writes]: "by the [land of] the Shadow-feet there is a swamp, where Socrates leads souls."[2]
Concerning yuxagwgi/a ['evocation of souls'].[3] "They make certain magic spells against the dead; for when they come to the place from which it is possible to lead the souls which the petitioners desire, they arrive where those to be summoned have died. And they do not find the place immediately, but track it down in this manner. Taking a black sheep, holding it either by one of its horns or by the forefeet, and standing it on the other feet, they lead it around. It follows quite obediently where it is dragged. But when it arrives where he or she was brought down, there the sheep throws itself down. And when this happens, then putting the sheep out of the way and hiding it, with some various ceremonies and chants they are led around and walk around [the place] and they listen to those who speak and enquire the causes for which they are angered."
"Antoninus the emperor of the Romans also summoned souls [to ask] about his father Commodus."[4]
Polybios says, "These men delayed concerning these matters, summoning their powers."[5] Meaning encouraging.
Greek Original:
*yuxagwgei=: ai)tiatikh=|. paramuqei=tai, te/rpei: h)\ yuxa\s a)na/gei. *)aristofa/nhs *)/ornisi: pro\s de\ toi=s *skia/posi li/mnh e)sti/n, ou(= yuxagwgei= *swkra/ths. *peri\ yuxagwgi/as. gohtei/as tina\s poiou=sin e)s tou\s nekrou/s: e)pa\n ga\r e)s ta\ xwri/a a)fi/kwntai o(/qen a)/gein e)/sti ta\s yuxa/s, a(\s poqou=sin oi( deo/menoi, a)fiknou=ntai e)/nqa teqna=sin oi( yuxagwgou/menoi: kai\ ou)x eu(ri/skousi paraxrh=ma to\n xw=ron, a)lla\ a)nixneu/ousi to\n tro/pon tou=ton. pro/baton me/lan paralabo/ntes, ei)=ta tou= ke/ratos tou= e(te/rou labo/menoi h)\ tw=n podw=n tw=n prosqi/wn kai\ e)pi\ toi=s posi\ toi=s a)/llois sth/santes peria/gousi: to\ de\ e(/petai th=| e(/lcei, kai\ ma/la eu)peiqw=s. o(/tan de\ a)fi/khtai e)/nqa e)kei=nos h)\ e)kei/nh kat- hne/xqh, e)ntau=qa to\ pro/baton e(auto\ e)/rriye: kai\ tou/tou genome/nou, ei)=ta to\ pro/baton e)kpodw\n poih/santes kai\ katakru/yantes su\n kai/ tisi poiki/lais i(erourgi/ais kai\ e)pw|dai=s perihgou=ntai kai\ perie/rxontai au)ta\ kai\ a)kou/ousi lego/ntwn kai\ ta\s ai)ti/as, di' a(\s mhni/ousi, punqa/nontai. e)yuxagw/ghse de\ kai\ *)antwni=nos o( *(rwmai/wn basileu\s peri\ *komo/dou tou= patro\s au)tou=. fhsi\ *polu/bios, ou(=toi me\n peri\ tau=ta die/tribon, yuxagwgou=ntes ta\s duna/meis. a)nti\ tou= paramuqou/menoi.
The SOL headword here, mistakenly, is the first word of the entry itself. The true headword, yuxagwgei=, is presumably extracted from the Aristophanic quotation given. For this verb cf. epsilon 4077.
[1] Likewise or similarly in other lexica.
[2] Aristophanes, Birds 1553-5 (web address 1). For the 'Shadow-feet' see sigma 600, sigma 601. For Socrates, see sigma 829.
[3] The material which follows is perhaps from Aelian (so Adler; Bernhardy, more cautiously, suggested a writer 'from the [Second] sophistic era').
[4] Tentatively attributed by Adler to John of Antioch, who also noted Kuster's suggestion that the names be reversed: Commodus asks about his father 'Antoninus' (actually Marcus Aurelius). But see now C. Theodoridis in his Photius edition (vol.II p.XC), attributing the passage to Cassius Dio (77.15.4: vol.III p.392.7-9 Boissevain = Excerpta de virtutibus II p.395.21-24). In this context 'Antoninus' is Caracalla, and modern editors supply 'and' between the mentions of his father (sc. Septimius Severus) and Commodus.
[5] Polybius fr. 89 Büttner-Wobst.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; history; imagery; religion; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 12 January 2006@01:43:34.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 12 January 2006@03:10:15.
David Whitehead (another x-ref; another keyword; tweaks) on 23 April 2010@04:54:26.
David Whitehead (expanded and modified n.4) on 11 October 2011@07:24:42.
Catharine Roth (upgraded link) on 11 October 2011@23:51:57.
David Whitehead (another note; tweaking) on 7 November 2013@03:20:29.
David Whitehead (expanded primary note) on 8 November 2013@02:59:54.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 4 December 2014@10:50:29.
Ronald Allen (cosmeticule n.5) on 22 October 2018@17:32:06.


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