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Search results for psi,123 in Adler number:
Adler number: psi,123
Translated headword: smokey talk
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] boasting/imposture.
Aristophanes in
Knights [writes]: "I delighted in threats, I laughed at smokey talk."
[That is] at big pretensions and big claims of success. From the previously mentioned nouns, from thundering and shaking up the earth and pushing down overhanging banks and using lightning; for of lightning bolts, some are descending [from sky to earth], but others are smokey -- those which destroy by burning -- and others are called vivid.[1]
Greek Original:*yolokompi/a: a)lazonei/a. *)aristofa/nhs *(ippeu=sin: h(/sqhn a)peilai=s, e)ge/lasa yolokompi/ais. megalodoci/ais kai\ megalopori/ais. a)po\ tw=n proeirhme/nwn o)noma/twn, tou= bronta=n kai\ tara/ttein th\n gh=n kai\ krhmnou\s e)rei/dein kai\ keraunoi=s xrh=sqai: tw=n ga\r keraunw=n oi( me\n kataiba/tai, oi( de\ yolo/entes, oi( kata\ th\n yau=sin o)llu/ntes, oi( de\ a)rgh=tes kalou=ntai.
Knights 696 (web address 1), and scholion.
[1] This last sentence has been quoted already at
kappa 1379.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: comedy; definition; ethics; imagery; science and technology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 8 January 2006@01:57:51.
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