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Search results for psi,115 in Adler number:
Adler number: psi,115
Translated headword: parrot
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A name of a bird.[1] [Note] that those winged creatures which have a tongue and a jaw-arrangement similar to those of humans are able to mimic conversation: jays and parrots and suchlike.[2]
Greek Original:*yi/ttakos. o)/noma o)rne/ou. o(/ti tw=n pthnw=n o(/sa paraplhsi/an e)/xei th\n glw=ttan kai\ th\n tw=n genu/wn dia/qesin tai=s tw=n a)nqrw/pwn du/natai mimei=sqai dia/lekton, oi(=on ki/ttai kai\ yi/ttakoi kai\ ta\ o(/moia.
[1] Likewise or similarly in other lexica and grammars.
[2] From
gamma 302 (repeated
kappa 1683).
Keywords: definition; medicine; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 21 December 2005@08:55:42.
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