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Search results for psi,10 in Adler number:
Adler number: psi,10
Translated headword: vault
Vetting Status: high
Translation: What we call an
a(yi/s ["arch"]. [Book] 12 of [sc.
Laws: "that an underground depository has been built for them, an oblong vault of precious stones."[1]
Greek Original:*yali/da: h(\n h(mei=s a(yi=da fame/n. *no/mwn ib#: qh/khn de\ u(po\ gh=n au)toi=s ei)rgasme/nhn ei)=nai yali/da promh/kh li/qwn poluti/mwn.
Likewise in
Hesychius (and
Pollux 9.49). The headword noun is in the accusative case, presumably extracted from the quotation given.
Laws 12.947D.
Keywords: architecture; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; philosophy; science and technology; trade and manufacture
Translated by: William Hutton on 7 November 2003@17:42:27.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (supplied note; added a keyword; cosmetics) on 9 November 2003@05:08:24.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 9 November 2003@05:08:44.
David Whitehead (another note and keyword; cosmetics) on 23 April 2010@07:04:51.
David Whitehead (expansions to notes; another keyword) on 5 November 2013@03:45:22.
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