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Adler number: pi,99
Translated headword: chosen-again
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Dinarchus in the information[-speech]
Against Polyeuktos after his expulsion from the council [sc. uses the word].[1] Perhaps the orator is calling Polyeuktos chosen[-again] because he prosecuted some men maliciously and then took bribes to help the selfsame men; alternatively because he was convicted of malicious prosecution and fined and because of this was prevented from speaking before he had paid the fine he owed, but then paid the fine and spoke again. They used to call such people chosen again; but also [sc. called this were] those voted out of some office and later [re-]elected. But
Pindar in his
Dithyrambs applied the term to buildings demolished and rebuilt.[2]
Greek Original:*palinai/retos: *dei/narxos e)n th=| kata\ *polueu/ktou e)kfulloforhqe/ntos e)ndei/cei. mh/pote de\ ai(reto\n le/gei o( r(h/twr to\n *polu/eukton, e)peidh/per sukofantw=n tinas, e)/peita lamba/nwn dw=ra, tou/tois au)toi=s e)boh/qei: h)\ o(/ti sukofa/nths a(lou\s e)zhmiou=to kai\ dia\ tou=to e)kwlu/eto le/gein pri\n a)poti=sai th\n zhmi/an, h(\n w)/feilen, e)/peita a)poti/sas th\n zhmi/an pa/lin e)/legen. e)ka/loun de\ tou\s toiou/tous palinaire/tous: a)lla\ kai\ tou\s a)poxeirotonhqe/ntas a)rxh/n tina a)/rxein kai\ pa/lin xeirotonhqe/ntas. *pi/ndaros de\ e)n *diqura/mbois e)pi\ tw=n kaqaireqe/ntwn oi)kodomhma/twn kai\ a)noikodomhqe/ntwn e)xrh/sato th=| le/cei.
Abridged from Harpokration s.v.
LSJ entry for the headword at web address 1.
Dinarchus fr. II.4 Conomis. (On this procedure see
epsilon 722.
Pindar fr. 84 Snell-Maehler; see under
pi 98.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: architecture; biography; definition; economics; ethics; law; poetry; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 13 December 2000@03:55:08.
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