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Search results for pi,981 in Adler number:
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Headword: *penthko/ntarxos
Adler number: pi,981
Translated headword: pentekontarch
Vetting Status: high
The commander of a pentekonter. A pentekonter was the name for a [war]ship rowed by fifty men.
Greek Original:
*penthko/ntarxos: o( th=s penthkonto/rou a)/rxwn. e)kalei=to de\ penthko/ntoros h( u(po\ penth/konta e)ressome/nh nau=s.
Abridged from Harpokration (via Photius) s.v., glossing [Demosthenes] 50.18 (web address 1) and passim.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: definition; military affairs; rhetoric; science and technology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 14 December 2000@06:01:28.
Vetted by:
William Hutton (cosmetics, added link and keyword, set status) on 16 December 2003@20:17:45.
David Whitehead (another keyword; cosmetics) on 17 December 2003@03:07:49.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 15 July 2011@05:29:45.
Catharine Roth (upgraded link) on 17 July 2011@08:18:11.
David Whitehead on 19 September 2013@07:25:22.


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