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Headword: *pe/ntaqlos
Adler number: pi,971
Translated headword: pentathlete
Vetting Status: high
Democritus of Abdera [used to be called this], because he studied physics, ethics, mathematics and general knowledge, and had wide experience of arts and crafts.[1] The saying "speech [is] the insult of Hermes" is his.[2]
Greek Original:
*pe/ntaqlos: o( *dhmo/kritos o( *)abdhri/ths. h)/skhto ga\r ta\ fusika/, ta\ h)qika/, maqhmatika\ kai\ tou\s e)gkukli/ous lo/gous, kai\ peri\ texnw=n pa=san ei)=xen e)mpeiri/an. tou/tou e)sti\ kai\ to/, lo/gos *(ermou= ai)ki/h.
From Diogenes Laertius 9.37.
[1] For Democritus see generally delta 447, delta 448. For other, similar applications of the term pentathlete see [Longinus], On the Sublime 34.1 (on Hyperides, upsilon 294), and epsilon 2898 (Eratosthenes). (For a real pentathlete see phi 144.)
[2] In D.L. the phrase is quite different: "speech [is] the shadow of action", lo/gos e)/rgou skih/. The Suda's unparalleled lo/gos *(Ermou= ai)ki/h is thus surely an error, but perhaps not a mindless one; the notion may also be reflected in the exchange between Prometheus and Hermes in (?)Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound 961-970.
Keywords: athletics; biography; ethics; geography; imagery; mathematics; mythology; philosophy; religion; rhetoric; tragedy
Translated by: David Whitehead on 10 October 2001@07:58:37.
Vetted by:
Ross Scaife ✝ (added note 2 as speculation) on 10 October 2001@08:55:26.
David Whitehead (added keyword; cosmetics) on 10 October 2001@09:31:00.
David Whitehead (augmented note 1; cosmetics) on 3 May 2004@11:14:14.
Catharine Roth (added keyword) on 29 September 2005@02:19:10.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 18 November 2005@10:20:35.
David Whitehead on 4 September 2011@09:14:00.
David Whitehead on 19 September 2013@07:06:23.
David Whitehead (expanded notes; more keywords) on 13 April 2014@07:16:04.
David Whitehead on 13 April 2014@10:43:34.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 13 April 2014@17:27:03.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticules) on 9 July 2016@19:01:13.


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