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Search results for pi,968 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,968
Translated headword: poverty
Vetting Status: high
Translation: And a poor man [is] not the one who has no possessions, but the one who has many desires; and a rich man [is] not the one surrounded by many things, but the one who does not need many things.
Greek Original:*peni/a. kai\ pe/nhs ou)x o( mhde\n kekthme/nos, a)ll' o( pollw=n e)fie/menos: kai\ plou/sios, ou)x o( polla\ peribeblhme/nos, a)ll' o( mh\ pollw=n deo/menos.
Adler suggested that this philosophical commonplace might be quoted from
Damascius; it is now
Life of Isidore fr.37 Zintzen.
For poverty see already
pi 966,
pi 967.
Keywords: daily life; definition; economics; ethics; philosophy
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 3 May 2004@11:42:06.
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