Suda On Line
Search results for pi,960 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,960
Translated headword: on the 26th
Vetting Status: high
Translation: On this day the written indictments for seduction used to be submitted [sc. to the authorities in classical
Menander in
Chalkis [Myth, Place] [mentions this].[1]
Greek Original:*pe/mpth| fqi/nontos: e)n tau/th| ai( th=s moixei/as grafai\ e)di/donto. *me/nandros *xalki/di.
Photius pi568 Theodoridis.
The information is tantalizing as it stands. Every month, or particular months? And why?
Menander fr. 512 Kock (403 K.-A.). For seduction (a better modern equivalent than the traditional rendering 'adultery') see generally
mu 1357,
mu 1368,
mu 1359,
mu 1360.
Keywords: chronology; comedy; daily life; gender and sexuality; law
Translated by: David Whitehead on 1 October 2002@09:02:24.
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