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Adler number: pi,927
Translated headword: meal-cake, pelanos
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Certain cakes were made for the gods out of separated [sc. grain], that is [sc. separated] from the [sc. rest of the] harvest.
Didymus says that, strictly speaking, a pelanos is the cake made from fine flour, out of which they make cakes:[1] either from being flattened or because it is white, or through being light, that is, white. However,
Euripides in the
Orestes says, in a special sense, "wipe the foamy pelanos from my poor mouth".[2] Which means the foam at the mouth.
Greek Original:*pe/lanos: gi/netai pe/mmata/ tina toi=s qeoi=s e)k tou= a)faireqe/ntos h)/toi e)k th=s a(/lw: *di/dumos de/ fhsi kuri/ws ei)=nai pe/lanon to\ e)k th=s paipa/lhs pe/mma, e)c h(=s poiou=ntai pe/mmata. h)\ kai\ a)po\ tou= peplatu/nqai: h)\ o(/ti leuko/n e)stin: h)\ dia\ to\ fano\n ei)=nai, o(/ e)sti leuko/n. *eu)ripi/dhs me/ntoi e)n tw=| *)ore/sth| i)di/ws fhsi/: e)k d' o)/morcon a)qli/ou sto/matos a)frw/dh pe/lanon. o(/per to\n e)pi\ tou= sto/matos a)fro\n dhloi=.
Abridged from Harpokration s.v., commenting in the first instance on
Lycurgus fr. 42 Conomis, and going on to quote Apollonius FGrH 365 F1 for the first part of the present entry.
See also
pi 928. And note generally the basic definition in LSJ s.v.: "any thick liquid substance".
Didymus p.40 Schmidt.
Orestes 219-220 (web address 1).
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Web address 1
Keywords: definition; food; historiography; religion; rhetoric; tragedy
Translated by: David Whitehead on 14 December 2000@04:52:57.
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