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Search results for pi,877 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,877
Translated headword: cheat
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "O cheat!" He has created some deity. Such as a mishap or something of the kind. As someone might say, "O injustice and deprivation!" He has manufactured the name of some daimon,[1] giving her a bodily form, from the [sc. notion of] cheating, and disturbing and depriving.
Greek Original:*paio/lh: w)= paio/lh. qeo/n tina pepoi/hken. oi(=on e)ktroph\n h)/ tina toiau/thn. w(s a)\n ei)/poi tis, w)= a)diki/a kai\ a)poste/rhsis. pe/plake to\ o)/noma dai/mono/s tinos, swmatopoih/sas au)th/n, para\ to\ a)paiolei=n, kai\ kinei=n kai\ a)posterei=n.
Clouds 1150 (web address 1), with comment from the fuller
scholia there. Strepsiades sarcastically addresses Socrates, for having successfully taught argumentation to Phidippides, as
w)= pambasi/lei' *)apaio/lh,
O omnipotent Cheat. cf. generally
alpha 2959. In the present entry, alternative word-division has produced the headword
paio/lh, otherwise unattested; see also
pi 878.
[1] See generally
delta 119.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; imagery; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: Ronald Allen on 5 August 2008@03:45:46.
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