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Search results for pi,853 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,853
Translated headword: education
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] learning.[1]
"We believe that a genuine education [paideia] is not a subtlety politicked with words and with speech, but the healthy disposition of a prudent understanding and true opinions about good things and evil, noble things and shameful. Whoever then believes some things but teaches other things to those around him, he himself seems to be so far distant from education as he is also from being a good man."[2]
Greek Original:*paidei/a: h( pai/deusis. paidei/an o)rqh\n ei)=nai nomi/zomen ou) th\n e)n toi=s r(h/masi kai\ th=| glw/tth| politeuome/nhn eu)ruqmi/an, a)lla\ dia/qesin u(gia= nou=n e)xou/shs dianoi/as kai\ a)lhqei=s do/cas u(pe/r te a)gaqw=n kai\ kakw=n, e)sqlw=n te kai\ ai)sxrw=n. o(/stis ou)=n e(/tera me\n fronei=, dida/skei de\ e(/tera tou\s plhsia/zontas, au)to\s a)polelei=fqai tosou/tw| dokei= th=s paidei/as, o(/sw| kai\ tou= xrhsto\s a)nh\r ei)=nai.
[1] (cf.
pi 857, end.) Likewise in other lexica.
[2] From the beginning of
Epistle 61 of the Emperor Julian (
iota 437).
Keywords: definition; ethics; philosophy; rhetoric
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 5 March 2001@15:53:53.
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