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Search results for pi,837 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,837
Translated headword: paeans
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] hymns.[1]
"He sung the paeans with a tongue that was neither agile nor strong, as if, that is, he were already under the influence of wine and no longer articulate."[2]
Greek Original:*paia=nas: u(/mnous. o( de\ h)=|de tou\s paia=nas, ou)k eu)trape/lw| th=| glw/tth|, ou)de\ e)rrwme/nh|, w(/sper ou)=n ka/toinos h)/dh kai\ ou)k a)rti/stomos e)/ti.
The headword, presumably extracted from the quotation given, is accusative plural. See also
pi 838 (and cf.
pi 836).
[1] cf.
pi 885.
Aelian fr. 312 Domingo-Forasté (315 Hercher); cf.
alpha 4047.
Keywords: biography; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; meter and music; religion
Translated by: William Hutton on 3 September 2011@03:37:02.
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