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Headword: *pafla/zonta
Adler number: pi,827
Translated headword: burbling [things]
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] resounding [ones], boiling-up [ones].[1]
"The man is burbling",[2] [meaning] is boiling, is bothered. It is created from the [verb] pafla/zein ['to burble']. 'To burble' is for someone to restrain himself and cut himself off while speaking. That is what Kleon was like; or to be disturbed; for properly 'to burble' signifies the sounding of the sea when there are waves on it.
Greek Original:
*pafla/zonta: h)xou=nta, a)naze/onta. a(nh\r pafla/zei, bra/zei, teta/raktai. pepoi/htai de\ para\ to\ pafla/zein. *pafla/zein de/ e)sti to\ lalou=nta/ tina kratei=sqai kai\ a)nako/ptesqai: toiou=tos de\ h)=n kai\ o( *kle/wn: h)\ to\ tara/ssesqai: pafla/zein ga\r kuri/ws shmai/nei to\ h)xei=n th\n kumainome/nhn qa/lattan.
[1] = Synagoge; Lexica Segueriana 334.30; Photius, Lexicon pi499 Theodoridis; ultimately from commentary on Homer, Iliad 13.798, where the headword (present active participle, nominative plural neuter) appears; cf. scholia ad loc. and Hesychius pi1160.
[2] Aristophanes, Knights 919, with glosses and further comments from the scholia; cf. Hesychius pi1159. The word glossed here is the present indicative active, third person singular, of the verb. For Kleon see generally kappa 1731 (and pi 826).
Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; ethics; geography; history; imagery; rhetoric
Translated by: William Hutton on 17 August 2013@16:32:33.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (x-refs; more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 18 August 2013@04:32:14.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 18 September 2013@06:08:22.
David Whitehead (codings) on 22 May 2016@07:54:47.
Catharine Roth (another keyword) on 26 June 2021@00:35:03.


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