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Search results for pi,821 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,821
Translated headword: gulp-stopper
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A contraption on wheels, through which they used to insert the neck both of harnessed animals, so that they could not eat, and of human beings,[1] to make it impossible for them to reach the mouth with their hands.
Cessation [pausis] is inheritance, but lexis [is] apportioning, and allotment a part [leading] to a better lexis. "He did not hesitate to allot with deifying authority".[2]
Greek Original:*pausika/ph: mhxa/nhma troxoi=s e)mfere/s, di' ou(= to\n tra/xhlon diei=ron kai\ tw=n u(pozugi/wn, w(/ste mh\ e)sqi/ein, kai\ tw=n a)nqrw/pwn, w(s mh\ du/nasqai ta\s xei=ras tw=| sto/mati prosa/gein. o(/ti pau=sis e)sti\ klhronomi/a, lh=cis de\ meri/s, h( de\ a)poklh/rwsis me/ros ei)s a)mei/nona lh=cin. a)poklhrw=sai qeopoiw=| fronti/di ou)de\n w)/knhse.
The first paragraph here =
Photius pi498 Theodoridis. The headword is poorly attested outside lexicography, but see
Aristophanes fr.302 Kock (314 K.-A.).
[1] i.e. slaves.
[2] From
lambda 465, q.v., cf.
alpha 3356.
Keywords: biography; comedy; daily life; definition; food; imagery; philosophy; religion; science and technology; trade and manufacture; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 28 February 2004@10:34:23.
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