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Search results for pi,820 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,820
Translated headword: Pausanias
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Son of Kleombrotos and Anchithea; king of the Spartans. After [sc. the battle of]
Plataiai he dedicated a tripod to Apollo and wrote on it "Leader of the Greeks, since he destroyed the Persian army,
Pausanias dedicated this monument to Phoebus [Apollo]."[1] Once he had begun to medize[2] he was taking bribes from Egyptians and Phoenicians in
Byzantium and took to dressing and eating in the Persian way; and he wooed the daughter of Xerxes as the price for Greece. Summoned to judgement and convicted, he fled into a precinct of Athena; but his mother was the first to place a brick against the entrance, and then the rest [did the same];[3] and thus he died inside, but they threw his body into the Keadas -- this is a pit[4] -- and they deleted the inscription from the tripod and inscribed [instead] the [victorious] cities. It was also because of him that the Greeks abandoned [sc. Spartan leadership and turned] to the Athenians. But when
Sparta had fallen ill, they set up a bronze statue of
Pausanias and they were saved.[5]
Greek Original:*pausani/as, *kleombro/tou kai\ *)agxiqe/as, basileu\s *lakedaimoni/wn: o(\s meta\ *plataia\s tri/poda a)naqei\s tw=| *)apo/llwni e)pe/grayen, *(ellh/nwn a)rxhgo/s, e)pei\ strato\n w)/lese *mh/dwn, *pausani/as *foi/bw| mnh=m' a)ne/qhke to/de. *mhdi/zein de\ a)rca/menos u(po\ *ai)gupti/wn kai\ *foini/kwn e)n tw=| *buzanti/w| e)doruforei=to kai\ e)sqh=ti kai\ trape/zh| e)xrh=to *mhdikh=|: e)mna=to de\ th\n *ce/rcou qugate/ra e)pi\ th=| *(ella/di. klhqei\s d' ei)s kri/sin kai\ a(lou\s katafeu/gei e)s te/menos *)aqhna=s. h( de\ mh/thr pli/nqon e)/qhke prw/th kata\ th=s ei)so/dou, ei)=ta oi( a)/lloi: kai\ ou(/tws e)/ndon a)pe/qane, to\ de\ sw=ma ei)s to\n *kea/dan [ba/raqron de/ e)sti tou=to] e)/rriyan, kai\ to\ e)pi/gramma e)ceko/layan e)k tou= tri/podos kai\ ta\s po/leis e)pe/grayan. oi( de\ *(/ellhnes kai\ di' au)to\n pro\s *)aqhnai/ous a)pe/sthsan. noshsa/shs de\ th=s po/lews, ei)ko/na e)/sthsan xalkh=n *pausani/ou kai\ e)sw/qhsan.
C6/5 BCE; died c.470. See generally OCD4
Pausanias(1). The present entry's material comes, according to Adler, from an epitome of
Herodotus; however, most of what it covers is dealt with, rather, in
Thucydides 1.128-135; and see also n.3 below.
Greek Anthology 6.197, attributed to
[2] See generally
mu 882, and (re
mu 886.
[3] This aspect of the story is not in
Thucydides; see rather
Diodorus Siculus 11.45.6-7, Cornelius Nepos 4.5.3, and
Polyaenus 8.51. (
Polyaenus names P.'s mother as
Theano; the Suda has Anchithea [see above]; the correct version, preserved in an Aristophanic scholiast, is thought to be Alkathoa.)
[4] See
beta 100,
kappa 1161,
kappa 1212.
[5] Two such statues, in fact; see
Thucydides 1.134.4.
Keywords: art history; biography; clothing; ethics; food; geography; historiography; history; imagery; military affairs; poetry; religion; women
Translated by: David Whitehead on 28 June 2001@05:11:27.
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