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Adler number: pi,815
Translated headword: pauper
Vetting Status: high
Translation: This is what Constantius, the father of Constantine the Great,[1] used to be called, because of his frugal way of life; he had not acquired even silver plate[2] in quantity, nor anything else intended to be luxurious; instead, for religious and public festivities he used to deck out his palaces with the silver and upholsteries of private individuals.
Greek Original:*pau=per: ou(/tws e)kalei=to *kwnsta/ntios, o( path\r *kwnstanti/nou tou= mega/lou, dia\ to\ litw=s diaita=sqai, w(s mhde\ koi=lon a)/rguron kekth=sqai ei)s plh=qos, mhd' e(/tero/n ti pro\s trufh\n ble/pon: a)lla\ para\ ta\s i(era\s kai\ dhmotelei=s eu)frosu/nas tw=| tw=n i)diwtw=n a)rgu/rw| kai\ strwmnai=s e)ko/smei ta\ basi/leia.
John of
Antioch fr.168 FHG (4.602), now 252 Roberto; already in part at
kappa 2541.
The headword is not a translation, but a transliteration, of the Latin word
[1] Constantine: see
kappa 2284.
[2] Literally 'hollow silver'. See generally LSJ s.v.
koi=los, I.
Keywords: biography; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; historiography; science and technology; trade and manufacture
Translated by: David Whitehead on 28 February 2004@10:19:09.
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