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Headword: *pau=los
Adler number: pi,814
Translated headword: Paulos, Paulus, Paul
Vetting Status: high
This man, who presided over the church of the Novatians[1] after Chrysanthus, was first a teacher of Latin literature, then leaving the toil of grammar-teaching he turned to the ascetic life and establishing monasteries of earnest men he persevered [in a life] not different from the monks in the desert. For he became such as Evagrius[2] says the monks in the desert spent their time: for he persevered in imitating them in all respects, in continual fasting, in speaking little, in abstinence from living things; for the most part he abstained also from wine and oil. But concerning the poor he became as serious as anyone else; he looked after those in prison without hesitation. In his time a certain Jew was caught pretending to be a Christian.[3]
Greek Original:
*pau=los: ou(=tos meta\ *xru/sanqon th=s *nauatianw=n e)kklhsi/as proesthkw\s pro/teron me\n lo/gwn *(rwmai+kw=n dida/skalos h)=n, to\n de\ grammatiko\n po/non katalipw\n e)pi\ to\n a)skhtiko\n e)tra/ph bi/on kai\ susthsa/menos a)ndrw=n spoudai/wn monasth/ria ou)k a)lloio/teron tw=n e)n th=| e)rh/mw| monaxw=n diete/lei. toiou=tos ga\r ge/gonen, oi(/ous o( *eu)a/grio/s fhsi tou\s e)n th=| e)rh/mw| diatri/bein monaxou/s: pa/nta ga\r e)kei/nous mimou/menos diete/lei, th\n sunexh= nhstei/an, to\ o)li/ga fqe/ggesqai, th\n a)poxh\n tw=n e)myu/xwn: ta\ polla\ de\ kai\ oi)/nou kai\ e)lai/ou a)pei/xeto. a)lla\ mh\n kai\ peri\ tou\s ptwxou\s spoudai=os ei) kai/ tis a)/llos e)ge/neto: tou\s e)n fulakai=s a)o/knws e)peske/pteto. e)pi\ tou/tou *)ioudai=o/s tis xristiani/zein u(pokrino/menos e)fwra/qh.
Quoted approximately from Socrates, Ecclesiastical History 7.17.2-7 (translation at web address 1).
[1] On the Novatians, see nu 50, nu 51.
[2] Evagrius of Pontus: epsilon 3365, mu 56.
[3] Socrates tells more of this story: the man was enriching himself by getting baptized in every sect, but Paulus the Novatian bishop miraculously uncovered his scam.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; Christianity; chronology; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; food; historiography; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 22 November 2010@01:28:36.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 22 November 2010@03:02:37.
David Whitehead on 2 September 2011@09:02:14.


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