Suda On Line
Search results for pi,812 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,812
Translated headword: Paul, Paulos, Paulus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: of Egypt, from Lycopolis.[1] Sophist. Son of Besarion, the man also [known as]
Didymus.[2] He lived under the emperor Constantine.[3]
Greek Original:*pau=los, *ai)gu/ptios e)k th=s *lu/kwn, sofisth/s, ui(o\s *bhsari/wnos tou= kai\ *didu/mou, gegonw\s e)pi\ tou= basile/ws *kwnstanti/nou.
C4 AD. RE Paulos(18); PLRE I Paulus(1).
[1] Barrington Atlas map 77 grid E2. (The transmitted phrase here in the Suda is
e)k th=s *lu/kwn, with
po/lews implicit;
Stephanus of
Byzantium registers two cities called
*lu/kwn po/lis, both in Egypt.)
[2] Unidentified.
[3] Constantine:
kappa 2284,
kappa 2285.
Keywords: biography; chronology; geography; philosophy; rhetoric
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 5 September 2003@14:52:10.
Vetted by:William Hutton (cosmetics, added keywords, set status) on 5 September 2003@15:33:17.
David Whitehead (augmented note; cosmetics) on 6 September 2003@04:29:24.
David Whitehead (augmented notes) on 2 September 2011@08:59:24.
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