The orators[1] say
patrw=|a ["inherited from one’s father"], whenever their speech concerns goods or places.
Isaeus: [says] "for I declare to you that this land does not belong to the heiress, nor has it ever, but that Lysimenes the father of Menekrates held it as a paternal inheritance: indeed Lysimenes kept all his paternal inheritance."[2] But they call
pa/tria ["paternal, ancestral"] the customs and the laws and the mysteries and the festivals. Antiphon [says]: "on the other hand, knowing that you have ancestral and ancient laws."[3] But [sc. they say]
patriko/n, whenever they make the speech concerning a person. "And having been deemed worthy of these honors, because he held him as a paternal friend."
Aeschines in
Against Ktesiphon [sc. says this].[4]
*patrw/|wn: patrw=|a le/gousin oi( r(h/tores, o(/tan au)toi=s o( lo/gos h)=| peri\ xrhma/twn h)\ to/pwn. *)isai=os: a)pofai/nw ga\r u(mi=n, w(s ou)k e)/sti th=s e)piklh/rou to\ xwri/on tou=to, ou)d' e)ge/neto pw/pote, a)ll' w(s h)=n patrw=|on *lusime/nei tw=| patri\ *menekra/tous: o( de\ *lusime/nhs e)/sxe ta\ patrw=|a pa/nta. pa/tria de\ le/gousi ta\ e)/qh kai\ ta\ no/mima kai\ ta\ musth/ria kai\ ta\s e(orta/s. *)antifw=n: tou=to de\ tou\s no/mous ei)dw\s patri/ous kai\ palaiou\s o)/ntas u(mi=n. patriko\n de/, o(/tan peri\ prosw/pou poiw=ntai to\n lo/gon. kai\ tou/twn a)ciwqei/s, dia\ to\ patriko\s au)tw=| fi/los ei)=nai. *ai)sxi/nhs e)n tw=| kata\ *kthsifw=ntos.
Similar entries in
Photius (pi494 Theodoridis) and elsewhere.
The headword, neuter genitive plural of a term that has already appeared in the nominative/accusative plural as
pi 800, is evidently extracted from somewhere -- probably Attic oratory: there are instances in e.g.
Lysias (10.5, 16.10, 32.10 & 22),
Isaeus (1.1, 3.46, 51, 55 & 58, 6.25, 8.34, 10.24 & 25; and
Aeschines (1.105). Harrison (in bibliography below) 125 notes that
patrw=|a in Athenian law referred to property that a man inherited, while
e)pikthta/ referred to property that he added to his patrimony.
The summary entry
pi 800 (see above) defined
patrw=|a as
ta\ patrika/, making the two terms equivalent. The point of the present entry is to note how the Attic orators customarily applied the roughly synonymous adjectives
patrw=|os ("of or from one's father, coming or inherited from him:" LSJ),
pa/trios ("of or belonging to one’s father:" LSJ), and
patriko/s ("derived from one’s fathers, hereditary:" LSJ).
Lysias 32.22 illustrates the Suda’s distinctions here by applying
patriko/s to
e)xqro/s ("enemy"), while using
tw=n patrw=|wn to refer to an inherited estate within the same sentence. The Attic orators do customarily use
pa/trios to denote ancestral laws, customs, and religious observances, e.g.:
Aeschines 1.23 (prayers and rites), 2.114 (religious traditions);
Andocides 1.110, 115 & 116 (law); Antiphon 5.48 (laws);
Demosthenes 18.90 (constitution), 21.52 (garlands), 24.139 (customs);
Dinarchus 1.62 (laws), 110 (sacrifices);
Isocrates 7.29 (sacrifices), 30 (rites);
Lysias. 30.19 (sacrifices), 21 (sacrifices), 29 (rites), 31.31 (gods). Likewise, they consistently apply
patriko/s to ancestral friends and enemies:
Aeschines 1.42, 2.26;
Andocides 2.11;
Demosthenes 19.222, 21.49, 23.111 & 121, 25.32, 40.37;
Dinarchus 1.111;
Isocrates 1.2, 4.184, 5.126, 17.43, 19.50. The only surviving exception is
Isocrates 9.35, where
patrika\s basilei/as clearly refers to inheritance.
[1] Some lexica say, more generally, 'the ancients'.
Isaeus fr. 6.2 Roussel (26 Sauppe).
[3] Antiphon fr. 78 Thalheim (139 Sauppe).
Aeschines 3.52.
Harrison, A.R.W. The Law of Athens: The Family and Property. Oxford: Clarendon, 1968
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