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Search results for pi,793 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,793
Translated headword: patrician
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] father of the commonwealth.[1]
"He sent as envoys those who had served worthily in the leadership of the senate. And in fact they happened to be patricians."[2]
"The emperor
Theodosius the Lesser, because of his anger against
Antiochus the provost who had been accused of high treason, issued an edict that a eunuch could not be numbered among the patricians. Accordingly the provost was stripped of his office and made public property and assigned to the priests."[3]
Greek Original:*patri/kios: path\r tou= koinou=. o( de\ pe/mpei presbeuta\s tou\s e)n th=| korufai/w| th=s sugklh/tou boulh=s telou=ntas a)/cia. patri/kioi d' a)/ra o)/ntes e)tu/gxanon. o( basileu\s *qeodo/sios o( mikro\s o)rgh=| th=| pro\s *)anti/oxon to\n praipo/siton, diablhqe/nta ei)s kaqosi/wsin e)cefw/nhse dia/tacin, eu)nou=xon e)n toi=s patriki/ois mh\ telei=n. dio\ kai\ kaqh|re/qh o( praipo/sitos th=s timh=s kai\ e)dhmosieu/qh kai\ toi=s i(ereu=si kateta/gh.
For the headword as a proper name see
pi 792
[1] For this (Greek) etymology for the Latin term 'patrician' (
patricius), see also
Etymologicum Gudianum 455.34;
Etymologicum Magnum 656.25.
[2] An abridged and slightly inaccurate quotation of Theophylact Simocatta,
Histories 3.15.6; cf.
kappa 94. The subject of the sentence is the emperor
Tiberius II (578-582):
tau 553.
Priscus fr.52 Bornmann; cf. frs.54-55, and (elsewhere in the Suda)
epsilon 3604,
theta 145 (
upsilon 169, and
alpha 2694. The "provost" in question was the
praepositus of the imperial bedchamber. See Greatrex and Bardill 1996.
Greatrex, G. and J. Bardill (1996) "Antiochus the Praepositus: a Persian Eunuch at the Court of Theodosius II." Dumbarton Oaks Papers 50: 171-197
Keywords: biography; children; Christianity; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; gender and sexuality; historiography; history; law; politics; religion
Translated by: William Hutton on 1 September 2011@12:16:54.
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