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Search results for pi,779 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,779
Translated headword: will strike
Vetting Status: high
Translation: But when the Prophet says, "he will strike the earth with the word of his mouth," he is not speaking about the earth, but about sins.[1] As the [saying] "and the whole earth became one lip" [is] about sins.[2] And Abraham disparaging himself says, "but I am earth and dust."[3] And elsewhere: "in his life his entrails are set at naught;"[4] meaning his stomach.
Greek Original:*pata/cei: o(/tan de\ le/gh| o( *profh/ths, pata/cei th\n gh=n tw=| lo/gw| tou= sto/matos au)tou=: ou) peri\ gh=s le/gei, a)lla\ peri\ tw=n a(martiw=n. w(s to/, kai\ e)ge/neto h( gh= pa=sa xei=los e(/n: peri\ a(martiw=n. kai\ o( *)abraa\m e(auto\n e)ceuteli/zwn, e)gw\ de\ ei)mi\ gh= kai\ spodo/s, le/gei. kai\ pa/lin: e)n th=| zwh=| au)tou= e)coude/nwtai ta\ e)nto/sqia au)tou=: th\n gaste/ra le/gwn.
(Entry lacking, Adler reports, in ms F and added in the margin in ms V.)
cf. John Chrysostom,
De prophetiarum obscuritate PG 56.184; also
psi 167. For the verb
pata/ssw, see also
pi 777,
pi 778.
Isaiah 11.4
LXX; also
Psalms of Solomon 17.35
Genesis 11.1
LXX; again at
chi 225.
Genesis 18.27
[4] Probably (as Adler) an approximation of
Sirach 10.9
Keywords: Christianity; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; imagery; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 30 July 2011@22:24:54.
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