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Search results for pi,776 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,776
Translated headword: Pattaikion, Pataikion, Pataecion
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A man earning his living from malicious prosecutions[1] and making a habit of aggression against those approving the young men.[2] He was also the object of slander on the grounds of being a thief and a burglar, with the results that he was satirized in comedy for these traits.[3]
Greek Original:*patta|ki/wn: a)nh\r a)po\ sukofanti/as to\n bi/on poiou/menos kai\ proskrou/ein e)pithdeu/wn toi=s eu)dokimou=si tw=n ne/wn. dieba/lleto de\ kai\ [w(s] kle/pths kai\ toixwru/xos: w(/ste kai\ kwmw|dei=sqai e)pi\ tou/tois.
cf. (more briefly)
Etymologicum Magnum 656.14-15, and
pi 780. Like that entry, the present one (paralleled in other lexica) was probably generated by the appearance of this name in
Aeschines 3.189 (web address 1).
[1] For
sykophantia, which can in certain circumstances be rendered 'blackmail', see generally under
sigma 1330.
[2] For this examination of 18-year-old Athenians see e.g.
Wasps 578 (and
delta 1328); it could give scope for what nowadays would be termed sexual harassment, and litigation arising therefrom.
[3] No such comedic material survives, but see generally
Comica adespota fr. 923 Kassel-Austin.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; comedy; economics; ethics; gender and sexuality; law; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 10 May 2004@04:54:22.
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