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Adler number: pi,765
Translated headword: to be affected
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Alteration and in general to be affected [is] twofold: in one sense, it leads towards deterioration in another sense towards completion.[1] For the disciple also is affected by his teacher, and is altered, but he is not led towards deterioration but towards completion. For what is in potentiality in him is led on towards actuality. In that way too perception is altered and affected when it is led towards its completion by perceptible objects[2] and when it is led on from potentiality to actuality.
Greek Original:*pa/sxein: o(/ti h( a)lloi/wsis kai\ o(/lws to\ pa/sxein ditto/n, to\ me\n e)pi\ fqora\n a)/gon, to\ de\ ei)s telei/wsin. pa/sxei ga\r kai\ o( maqhth\s u(po\ tou= didaska/lou kai\ a)lloiou=tai, a)ll' ou)k ei)s fqora/n, a)ll' ei)s telei/wsin a)go/menos. to\ ga\r e)n au)tw=| duna/mei proa/getai ei)s e)ne/rgeian. ou(/tw kai\ h( ai)/sqhsis a)lloiou=tai kai\ pa/sxei, u(po\ tw=n ai)sqhtw=n ei)s telei/wsin a)gome/nh kai\ e)k duna/mews ei)s e)ne/rgeian proagome/nh.
cf. John
Commentary on Aristotle's de anima 301.9-10, 305.21ff. See also
alpha 1418.
[1] 'Fulfillment' or 'accomplishment' (
telei/wsis). The word has a moral sense in some Aristotelian contexts, such as
Physics 247a2, where virtues or moral excellences are called 'completions', while vices are 'departures from completion' (
e)ksta/seis). For further Aristotelian references where
telei/wsis is employed in this moral sense, see
Physics 246a13 & 26, and
Metaphysics 1021b20. In the Suda passage the word is probably used in its general sense of 'fulfillment' or 'complete development', such as in the case of a thing that has attained its complete development and, accordingly, its total reality or 'actuality'. This is clear in the example: the disciple reaches his best condition due to his teacher.
Physics 253a3; 245b3-5; 247a7.
Keywords: definition; ethics; philosophy
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 4 May 2002@20:02:59.
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