*passudei/: pantelw=s. o( *qoukudi/dhs: ei) mh\ ou(/tws te passudei\ diefqa/rqai. o(/per a)gnoh/sante/s tines gra/fousi passudi/. e)/sti kai\ e)n *au)tomo/lois *ferekra/tou.
The entire entry (also in
pi 472 Theodoridis) is a garbled version of Aelius
Dionysius pi10, with the point of the entry obscured by inaccuracies.
Dionysius is criticizing those who write the word with internal assimilation (
passudi/ or
passudei/, rather than
pansudi/ or
pansudei/) which
Dionysius considers un-Thucydidean. The version here makes it seems as if the controversy is between
passudi/ and the variant, homophonous in late Greek,
passudei/. The major mss of
Thucydides (see n. 2 below) read
pansudi/, though the variants with internal assimilation and the
-ei/ ending are attested in
scholia and commentaries.
[1] The numeral 8 should be explicit, as in the earlier lexica, but has become here corrupted into 'if', the supposed first word of the quotation, for which see next note
[2] A garbled quotation of
Thucydides 8.1.1, on Athenian incredulity at early reports of the destruction of their forces in
Sicily (web address 1); quoted more accurately by Aelius
Dionysius (see previous note).
Pherecrates fr. 31 Kock (36 K.-A.).
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