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Adler number: pi,749
Translated headword: having eaten
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning they] having tasted.[1]
Also [sc. attested is]
pa/sasqai ["to have eaten"], [meaning] to have tasted.[2]
Homer, not in reference to having gotten one's fill, but in reference to having had a taste of. But more recent authors also [use it] in reference to having gotten one's fill.[3]
Also [sc. attested is the related adjective]
a)/pastos ["uneating"), [meaning] one who is untasting.[4]
Greek Original:*pasa/menoi: geusa/menoi. kai\ *pa/sasqai, geu/sasqai. ou)xi\ e)pi\ tou= plhrwqh=nai, a)ll' e)pi\ tou= a)pogeu/sasqai, par' *(omh/rw|. oi( de\ new/teroi kai\ e)pi\ tou= plhrwqh=nai. kai\ *)/apastos, o( a)/geustos.
For the equivalences throughout this entry cf.
epsilon 1986
[1] The primary headword -- aorist middle participle, nominative plural masculine, of
pate/omai -- is otherwise only attested in, and thus probably here extracted from, a fragment of
Alexander (fr. 26 Page).
[2] =
Photius pi465 Theodoridis; ultimately from commentary on
Homer, where the lemma (an aorist middle infinitive of the same verb as the headword) occurs (e.g.
Iliad 9.487, 19.160;
Odyssey 9.93); cf.
Etymologicum Magnum 353.54.
[3] Lightly adapted from
Deipnosophists 1.24A (1.43 Kaibel).
[4] cf. Apollonius Sophistes,
Lexicon Homericum 37; cf.
alpha 2935.
Keywords: chronology; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; food; poetry; tragedy
Translated by: William Hutton on 22 August 2011@22:51:25.
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