Suda On Line
Search results for pi,748 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,748
Translated headword: stake
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Interpretation of a dream: "holding nails, see the tortures of your enemies."[1]
Greek Original:*pa/ssalos. lu/sis o)nei/rou: h(/lous kratw=n ta\ ke/ntra tw=n e)xqrw=n ble/pe.
The unglossed headword and the body of the entry (the latter a marginal addition, Adler reports, in ms A) are linked only by a supposed (but surely erroneous) etymological closeness between the nouns
pa/ssalos and
[1] Nicephorus I,
Book on Dream Interpretation 37b; already at
eta 258. The phrase
ke/ntra tw=n e)xqrw=n occurs in another dream-interpretation at
omicron 1002.
Keywords: dreams; ethics; imagery; trade and manufacture
Translated by: William Hutton on 21 August 2011@03:33:28.
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