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Search results for pi,745 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,745
Translated headword: all
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [*pa=s] has a circumflex accent; [this is] because it was thought to be a participle, like sta/s ["taking a stand"], ba/s ["taking a step"]. So in order to avoid the suspicion [sc. of being a participle], it received a circumflex accent.
Greek Original:*pa=s: perispa=tai: dio/ti e)nomi/zeto ei)=nai metoxh/, w(s sta/s, ba/s. i(/na ou)=n fu/gh| th\n u(po/noian, periespa/sqh.
Despite the suggestion in Adler that there is something comparable with the first sentence here in the grammarian
Theodosius, this material seems in fact to be unparalleled. See merely
Choeroboscus' citation of
sta/s and
ba/s as oxytone participles.
Keyword: dialects, grammar, and etymology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 26 August 2003@00:11:50.
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