[Meaning] excited, stimulating.
*paroistrw=sa: e)cesthkui=a, e)reqi/zousa.
Photius pi428 Theodoridis -- deriving (it is routinely assumed) from commentary to
Hosea 14:6
LXX, where the headword occurs in an image of Israel as a goaded heifer.
The headword is present active participle, nominative singular feminine, of the verb
paroistra/w. Although this verb is normally used intransitively (as it is in the
Septuagint passage cited), it and, more frequently, the root-verb
oi)stra/w can also be used transitively. This is perhaps the source of some confusion in the gloss: the first gloss is normally intransitive, the second transitive.
See also
pi 740.
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