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Search results for pi,737 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,737
Translated headword: drinking man, wine-drinker
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning a] drunkard.
Aristophanes [writes]: "never will I receive this man, nor at my house will he ever sing the Harmodios [song], because he was a drinking man." In the gatherings of drinkers they used to sing a certain song, called "Harmodios," of which the beginning [was] "beloved Harmodios, you did not die." They used to sing it about Harmodios and Aristogeiton, how they had overthrown the tyranny of the Peisistratids. But there were also other songs, one called of Admetos, the other of Lampon. The meaning [is], never will such a man dine at my house, because he is a drinking man -- as if to say, he is a drunkard and an insolent man.
Greek Original:*pa/roinos: me/qusos. *)aristofa/nhs: ou)de/pot' e)gw\ tou=ton ei)sde/comai, ou)de\ par' e)moi/ pote to\n *(armo/dion a)/|setai, o(/ti pa/roinos a(nh\r e)/fu. e)n tai=s tw=n po/twn suno/dois h)=|don me/los ti, *(armo/dion kalou/menon, ou(= h( a)rxh/, fi/ltate *(armo/die, ou)/ ti/ pou te/qnhkas. h)=|don de\ au)to\ ei)s *(armo/dion kai\ *)aristogei/tona, w(s kaqh|rhko/tas th\n tw=n *peisistratidw=n turanni/da. h)=n de\ kai\ e(/tera me/lh, to\ me\n *)admh/tou lego/menon, to\ de\ *la/mpwnos. o( de\ nou=s: ou)de/pote par' e)moi\ e(stiaqh/setai, o(/ti paroi/nios: oi(=on me/qusos kai\ u(bristh/s.
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Keywords: biography; comedy; daily life; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; history; meter and music; politics
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 8 July 2010@00:26:44.
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