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Search results for pi,715 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,715
Translated headword: being parodied
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] being said.[1]
Also [sc. attested is the related noun]
parw|di/a ["parody"]: this is what it is called when words are taken over from tragedy into comedy;[2] as for instance "a worthwhile thing for Greece", said both in
Euripides[3] and in
And elsewhere: "these things were sung and parodied with a certain pronunciation, and the mania for singing them rose sky-high."[5]
Procopius says [this].[6]
Also [sc. attested is]
parw|dh/kei, [meaning he/she/it] sang another song. Or
parw|dh/kei, meaning [he/she/it swelled up.[7]
Greek Original:*parw|dou/menos: lego/menos. kai\ *parw|di/a: ou(/tw le/getai o(/tan e)k tragw|di/as metenexqh=| lo/gos ei)s kwmw|di/an: oi(=o/n e)sti to/, a)/cion ga\r *(ella/di, par' *eu)ripi/dh| kai\ par' *)aristofa/nei ei)rhme/non. kai\ au)=qis: kata\ dh/ tina profora\n a)|sqe/nta kai\ parw|dhqe/nta h( peri\ tau=ta mousomani/a toi=s a)/strois e)pe/yaue. *proko/pio/s fhsi. kai\ *parw|dh/kei, a)/llhn h)=|sen w)|dh/n. h)\ *parw|dh/kei, a)nti\ tou= w)gkw/qh.
[1] The headword -- evidently extracted from somewhere -- is the present middle/passive participle, masculine nominative singular, of the verb
parw|de/w. Same glossing in other lexica: references at
Photius pi456, where however Theodoridis declares cautious support for G. Dindorf's emendation of the glossing participle from the neutral
lego/menos to
[2] This explanation is taken from the
scholia on
Acharnians 8 (see n. 4 below). It is, of course, at once too broad and too narrow; another scholion on the same play (v.120) speaks of its lemma being parodied from an epode of Archilochos.
Euripides fr. 720 (from the
Acharnians 8.
[5] Lit. "touched the stars".
[6] This sentence is not to be found in the surviving works either of the historian P. of
Caesarea (
pi 2479) or of his ecclesiastical namesake P. of Gaza; a variant form of it is, however, cited again, without attribution, at
mu 1300. Hemsterhuys assigned the quotation to
Eunapius. As de Boor points out, many entries imported into the Suda from the excerpts made for Constantine Porphyrogenitus have lost the correct identification of their sources. Someone may have guessed from the content of this quotation that it might come from the Caesarean's
Anekdota (
Secret History).
[7] The point is that the verb-form
parw|dh/kei (third person singular, pluperfect active) might come either from
parw|de/w "sing differently, parody" or from
paroide/w "swell up". The citation of a third-person form indicates that the word is extracted, directly or indirectly, from an actual text, but it cannot be identified:
parw|dh/kei does not occur in any text included in the TLG that is older than the Suda itself. (For the first of the Suda's glosses cf. in any event the phrase
eu)= ge parw|/deis in Lucian,
Charon [Author, Myth] 14, where the gloss of the
scholia is
kalw=s ge a)/llhn h|(=sas w|)dh/n.)
Dane, Joseph A. Parody: critical concepts versus literary practices. Aristophanes to Sterne. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1988
de Boor, C., "Suidas und die Konstantinsche Exzerptsammlung I." Byzantinische Zeitschrift 21 (1912) 419
Dobrov, Gregory W. Figures of Play: Greek Drama and Metafictional Poetics. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. 89-156
Rau, Peter. Paratragodia: Untersuchung einer komischen Form des Aristophanes. Munich: Beck, 1967
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; meter and music; poetry; tragedy
Translated by: Alan Sommerstein on 11 December 2003@05:43:39.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (small additions to notes; another keyword; cosmetics) on 11 December 2003@09:05:04.
Catharine Roth (cosmetics, tweaks, bibliography) on 28 December 2009@01:12:15.
Catharine Roth (expanded note) on 28 December 2009@01:14:43.
David Whitehead (expanded notes; cosmetics; raised status) on 2 September 2011@05:47:05.
David Whitehead (expanded n.1) on 24 June 2014@06:53:02.
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