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Search results for pi,707 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,707
Translated headword: resource, presence
Vetting Status: high
Translation: This is the term used in reference to an abundance of available things; as it is in
Phaedo: "as we are now in terms of resource."[1] It is frequent in this sense in them [i.e. Attic authors]. But it is also applied in reference to being present, as it is in
Bathing-Scene: "the presence of those who are near."[2]
Thucydides in [book] 1 [writes]: "for, having captured
Byzantium on his earlier presence, [...]."[3] For 'absence' signifies the opposite of this.
Greek Original:*parousi/a: le/getai ou(/tws e)pi\ th=s tw=n paro/ntwn dayilei/as: w(s kai\ e)n tw=| *pla/twnos *fai/dwni: w(s kai\ nu=n e)/xomen parousi/as. kai\ polu/ e)stin e)pi\ tou/tou par' au)toi=s. kai\ e)pi\ tou= parei=nai de\ ta/ssetai, w(s kai\ e)n toi=s *ni/ptrois *sofokle/ous: th\n parousi/an tw=n e)ggu\s o)/ntwn. *qoukudi/dhs e)n tw=| a#: *buza/ntion ga\r e(lw\n th=| prote/ra| parousi/a|. tou/tw| ga\r to\ e)nanti/on shmai/nei h( a)pousi/a.
Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; poetry; tragedy
Translated by: William Hutton on 19 August 2011@18:19:25.
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