*parokwxh/: paroxh\ para\ *qoukudi/dh|, w(s h( a)nakwxh\ kai\ diakwxh/.
Thucydides 6.85.2 (speech of Euphemus), on the furnishing of warships by the Chians and Methymnians to
Athens (web address 1). The manuscripts there read
paroxh=| (dative singular); but
Photius and the Suda have the longer form, which was advocated by Stahl.
[2] cf.
alpha 1913,
delta 601,
delta 1157 (and
pi 378). These nouns are better spelled with
-okwx- (like the headword), as having a reduplication of the root of
e)/xw. Richard Porson (1759-1808) favored emending the Suda text here to reflect the "correct" spelling.
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