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Search results for pi,686 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,686
Translated headword: by-pass, passage
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning an] entrance.[1] "But he arrived on the second day. He did not indeed obtain a by-pass immediately, so that by the delay itself the barbarian might court the Romans -- [?]not desiring what would have resulted from the embassy."[2]
Greek Original:*pa/rodos: ei)/sodos. o( de\ deuterai=os a)fi/keto. ou) mh\n parauti/ka ge paro/dou e)/tuxen, w(s kai\ au)th=| th=| tribh=| e)ndei/caito *(rwmai/ois o( ba/rbaros, ou)xi\ e)piqumou=nti ta\ th=s presbei/as geno/mena a)/n.
[1] cf. again
pi 687.
[2] As Adler notes, K. Hartmann attributed this quotation to Arrian,
Parthica, but it has not been included in the collected fragments. It is not clear to whom the participle "desiring" in the masculine dative singular refers.
K. Hartmann, Philologus 74 (1917) 81
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; history; politics
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 28 June 2011@23:12:10.
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