A kind of cricket/grasshopper/locust.[1]
But some [say that these are] wild bees. And it declines
pa/rnopos [in the genitive]. But some [says that these are] mosquitos.
Aristophanes [writes]: "but he, bawling aloud, compared him in turn to a locust which had cast off the leaves of its cloak".[2] And elsewhere: "what a deal of locusts is approaching". He means the mass of the army.[3]
*pa/rnoy: a)kri/dos ei)=dos. oi( de\ meli/ssas a)gri/as. kai\ kli/netai pa/rnopos. oi( de\ kw/nwpas. *)aristofa/nhs: o( d' a)nakragw\n a)ntei/kasen au)to\n pa/rnopi ta\ qri/a tou= tri/bwnos a)pobeblhko/ti. kai\ au)=qis: o(/son to\ xrh=ma parno/pwn prose/rxetai. to\ plh=qos shmai/nei th=s stratia=s.
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