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Headword: *pari/ppon kai\ ko/rh
Adler number: pi,655
Translated headword: Horse and Girl
Vetting Status: high
[sc. There was] a place in Athens so called. One of the clan of the sons of Kodros, Hippomanes by name,[1] who was the last king,[2] shut his daughter up in a particular place with a wild horse, because she had defiled her own virginity by a secret sexual affair. And the horse made the girl [into] force,[3] from which event the spot on which her suffering took place was known as Horse and Girl.
Greek Original:
*pari/ppon kai\ ko/rh: to/pos *)aqh/nhsin ou(/tw kalou/menos: e)peidh/ tis tou= ge/nous tw=n *kodridw=n, *(ippoma/nhs tou)/noma, o(\s kai\ teleutai=os e)basi/leuse, th\n qugate/ra kaqei=rcen e)n xwri/w| tini\ meq' i(/ppou mainome/nou, dio/ti laqrai/w| mi/cei th\n parqeni/an au)th=s e)lumh/nato. kai\ o( i(/ppos th\n ko/rhn bi/an e)poih/sato: a)f' ou(= *pa/rippos kai\ ko/rh o( to/pos, e)n w(=| to\ pa/qos u(pe/sth, kalei=tai.
For the earliest version of this story see Aeschines 1.182, told as a morality fable to Athenian jurors in 345 BCE.
Photius (pi416 Theodoridis) has virtually the same entry as the Suda, but under the lemma par' i(/ppon kai\ ko/rhn; and there is something broadly similar in the late paroemiographer Apostolius (14.10), expanding on the proverb pa/qos ko/rhs i(ppomanou=s ("fate of a horse-mad girl").
See generally Lowell Edmunds, "'The Horse and the Maiden' (Aeschines 1.182 etc.): An Urban Legend in Ancient Athens," at web address 1 below; Nick Fisher, Aeschines, Against Timarchos (Oxford 2001) 331-334.
[1] Spelled (correctly) Hippomenes at iota 573.
[2] Either that or one of the ten-year archons (cf. again iota 573) before Draco and Solon.
[3] '[into] food' (Photius), rather.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: aetiology; biography; definition; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; medicine; mythology; proverbs; rhetoric; women; zoology
Translated by: Ross Scaife ✝ on 25 November 2002@20:20:52.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 26 November 2002@03:31:11.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 31 August 2011@10:28:37.
David Whitehead on 16 September 2013@07:50:21.
David Whitehead (tweaked tr; another note) on 4 April 2014@09:21:07.
Catharine Roth (tweaked link) on 15 June 2021@00:51:02.


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