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Search results for pi,643 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,643
Translated headword: of Parian marble
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Aelian [writes]: "and displayed below the stone even now is an image of Theopompos [made] of Parian marble,[1] the inscription agreeing as to his name and that of his father [...], and the representation of what is happening is very clear. [There is] a bed, itself also of marble."
Greek Original:*pari/as li/qou: *ai)liano/s: dei/knutai kai\ nu=n u(po\ li/qw| *qeopo/mpou, patro/qen o(mologou=ntos au)to\n tou= e)pigra/mmatos, ei)/dwlon *pari/as li/qou, kai\ e)/sti to\ i)/ndalma tou= pa/qous ma/la e)narge/s, kli/nh, kai\ au)th\ li/qou.
The headword phrase, in the genitive case, is evidently extracted from the quotation given:
Varia Historia fr. 102 Domingo-Forasté (99 Hercher). See
theta 171, with notes and bibliography.
[1] cf.
pi 644.
Keywords: art history; biography; comedy; daily life; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; medicine; poetry; religion; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Tony Natoli on 14 December 2001@21:14:24.
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