Search results for pi,623 in Adler number:
Headword: *parh/lic Adler number: pi,623 Translated headword: past one's prime, superannuated Vetting Status: high Translation:
[genitive] parh/likos.
Greek Original:
*parh/lic, parh/likos.
Adjective used by Plutarch and Cassius Dio, amongst others. For similar ones (in form) cf. mu 657, omicron 243.
Entry omitted by some Suda manuscripts; added in the margin by others.
Catharine Roth (added keyword, set status) on 16 April 2009@00:58:47. David Whitehead (notes; another keyword) on 16 April 2009@03:16:29. David Whitehead (typo) on 31 August 2011@09:33:12.