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Adler number: pi,560
Translated headword: a piped-out mind
Vetting Status: high
Translation: i.e. [one] that has been ravaged and benighted by old age. [sc. The idea] has been transferred from the mouthpieces on
auloi; for when worn down they are said to be piped-out.
Aristophanes [writes]: "being good for nothing, but dumb and piped-out."[1] "Dumb" i.e. voiceless.
Homer [writes]: "for dumb [is] the arrow of a feeble man."[2]
Greek Original:*parechulhme/non nou=n: oi(=on diefqarme/non kai\ a)mudro\n u(po\ gh/rous. meth/nektai de\ a)po\ tw=n glwssi/dwn tw=n e)n toi=s au)loi=s: oi( ga\r katatetrimme/noi e)chulh=sqai le/gontai. *)aristofa/nhs: ou)de\n o)/ntas, a)lla\ kwfou\s kai\ parechulhme/nous. kwfou\s de\ oi(=on a)fw/nous. *(/omhros: kwfo\n ga\r be/los a)ndro\s a)na/lkidos.
The headword phrase, deriving from a coinage by
Aristophanes (see below) was proverbial: see
Zenobius 5.65 and other paroemiographers.
The participle in the headword phrase is perfect middle/passive, masculine accusative singular, of the doubly compound verb
Hesychius glosses
e)chulhme/non, and that singly compound version also appears in this passage. Both forms come ultimately from
au)le/w, "I play the
aulos" (
alpha 4447).
Acharnians 681 (web address 1), with scholion; the aged chorus-members describe themselves thus.
Iliad 11.390 (web address 2). The hero Diomedes [
Myth] (OCD(4) s.v.) is "dumb" of neither mind nor weapon; nor indeed is he dumb and without voice, as his boast in this passage testifies (Hainsworth pp. 268-9).
J.B. Hainsworth, The Iliad: A Commentary, vol. III, gen. ed. G.S. Kirk, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; imagery; medicine; meter and music; mythology; proverbs; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Ronald Allen on 18 August 2007@11:07:34.
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